Friday 1 August 2014

Final Post

Although I've been home for a week now, Laura insists that a blog without a final post is just not complete, so here it is.

I left Erfurt last Thursday, taking the eight hour train trip back to Tilburg. A rather uneventful trip in which I had to change trains a good four times before I reached my final destination. Luckily for me, none of my trains were all that delayed and I was able to make all my connections on time. I only had one slight freak out inside my head when one train was cancelled, but promptly replaced by a new one, arriving exactly on schedule.

When I arrived in Tilburg I was met by the largest fair in all of Europe so I was told. I could barely even recognize the city I had been living in all year when I stepped out of the train station. I dragged my bag through the city centre to meet Raischa at Pathé the cinema. After dropping my bag off at her place, we returned to Pathé to see The Fault in Our Stars, a movie I had been wanting to watch since I read the book on the plane to Amsterdam in January. We spent the hour and a half crying way too much before leaving to walk around the fair. I can't believe that such a large, famous fair would take place in Tilburg of all places, such a shame its not there when the international students are.

On Friday July 25th I spent the morning tying up any loose ends including closing my bank account, and buying a train ticket to Amsterdam Schipol Airport. I wasn't able to fall asleep the night before with the thought of leaving, and so spent the day in a bit of a tired stupor. I was hopeful that I would at least get some sleep on the plane. (Sadly this was not the case). That afternoon I said my final goodbye, to Raischa and lugged my suitcases onto the train to Amsterdam. As I watched the dutch scenery fly by for one last time the reality that I was leaving began to set in.

In the late afternoon I boarded the plane with the feeling you get when you're leaving home for a long period of time. When really I should have had the opposite, I mean, I was returning home right? But as Laura and I always said (quoted from the song "Home" by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros) "Home is whenever I'm with you"...and all the people I want to be with seem to be scattered across the globe now. So I suppose in the end, home isn't one place, but many places with the many people I wish I could be with.

I am so grateful to have had the chance to have this experience, and to be able to share it all with you through the blog. This will always be a place I can return to when I want to remember this year. Thanks for reading...and see you the next time I venture across seas (which hopefully won't be too long from now!)

Thursday 24 July 2014

21st Birthday in Germany

Arriving home the night before my birthday I promptly fell asleep on the bed with my toothbrush still in hand. I thought nothing of Laura and Jiri whispering in the kitchen and Laura turning off the light. I thought maybe she was being considerate of my sleep.  

Then they came in with a tray full of chocolate and a candle; it was midnight of my birthday (European time). Laura’s gifts to me included an Erfurt University t-shirt and a homemade magnet with an incredibly creepy (even to me) photo of my face. Jiri brought chocolates from Czech.

The next morning we made pancakes (which are more like crepes in Europe) with fruit and nutella. (Sadly I have to wait until I’m home to have any maple syrup). Laura had to go to the train station to pick up Duke, another friend from Tilburg, who was visiting Erfurt from another region in Germany. When they returned we headed to the grocery store to shop for a picnic.

At 15:00 we headed to the park around the corner from Laura’s house to have a picnic. After a couple hours, and a short rainstorm, some other friends began to join. Anne came from Weimar, Romina, Michael, Jakob, and Hanna joined from Erfurt. 

Romina and Hannah brought me chocolate from the shop in Erfurt, Michaeal, also brought chocolate, Jakob gave me stroop waffels to remind me of Tilburg, and Anne gave me a notebook and a maple sucker that she had from her cousins in Canada. One of her cousins has a shop in Kitchener!

 We spent the whole afternoon and evening in the park and played Kubb, a Swedish game that was well loved in Tilburg. We were out until 23:00.