Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Goodbyes and Pity Parties

Verbs 28
Last week was another week filled with impromptu get togethers and late nights. The first going away/goodbye party was held last Monday in a nearby residence building. I went with the intention I often have when going to parties; to go late and leave early. But as per usual I didn’t arrive home until nearly 4am, even with it being only a 5-minute walk away. There will be many going away parties in the next couple weeks, with each person hosting a new one. Anyways it’s a good excuse to see people who otherwise seem to live in the library these days.

After last week verbs 28 would no longer be complete, so a family photo session was held in the kitchen to ensure everyone had one photo with everyone from the floor included. Too bad in one photo they had everyone kiss the person to their left and I was left with the wall. I think I handled it rather gracefully by awkwardly looking to the side.

On Tuesday a couple of our favourite Italians cooked us pasta for dinner. Another of our many group dinners that have been held in the past couple weeks. At least this time we didn’t have to do anything but show up.

Wednesday was our last ever Wednesday dinner with all the original members. In order to stick with old tradition we held the dinner with just Laura, Jiri, Jessica, and I. We decided to fulfill one of Jessica’s lifelong dreams of making a meal of tiny food. Since a meal of just tiny food is insufficient we also created some food art and had pasta.
Original Wednesday Dinner 

Last Friday one of our good friend’s Jiri left for home, the first of many goodbyes. On Wednesday we all got together one last time before he left. Ellaisha put together a going away gift for him; a scrapbook with photos and signatures from everyone. I guess it pays to be the first one to leave. We stayed up late talking and ended the night with over 150 photos thanks to my camera being passed around the group.

Food Art and tiny food
On Thursday evening a group of us got together to watch a movie. They made the mistake of letting me choose the movie, so of course we watched Easy A (only around the 12th time for me). Everyone seemed to enjoy it that is until Andrea and Clem stormed in to confess their love for Jiri, it being the night before he left.

The weekend brought a lot of studying (or at least attempts to study) and a few “pity parties” as we liked to call them. Which usually consisted of Beka, Ellaisha and I moping around about the semester ending and the amount of work we had (something we weren’t used to after a semester of relaxing).

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